To make an API call, you need to direct your HTTP request to the relevant endpoint. Your request must include the required headers and body parameters where applicable.

Your request may also include any relevant URL query parameters.


You must direct your request to the relevant endpoint with the required HTTP verb. For example, to get a list of contacts for a Sage Accounting UK user, you would make an HTTP GET request to

More information about each endpoint and the optional / required body parameters is available in the resource specific documentation accessible from the menu on the left.

Required Headers

Every API request you make to the Sage Accounting API must include the following headers:

Authorization: Bearer ***Your Access Token***
ocp-apim-subscription-key: ***Your developer subscription ID***
X-Site: ***Your Resource Owner ID***
Content-Type: application/json


Example header

Authorization: Bearer 3a5cfe7c90a78276e247c73da7bf120fc5283693
ocp-apim-subscription-key: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
X-Site: ffRteb5wuy34wtsvghgGFreE7624Gvgh
Content-Type: application/json


The following limitations are currently applied:

If you would like to increase any of these limits, please get in touch with our Sage Accounting developer support team.